Course Selection

Welcome to our Course Selection Information Page

Information for New Students to CSHS

Once the New Student Registration Form has been processed by the school and approved, parents/guardians will receive an email indicating your child Registration form has been 'Approved'. The next step is to call the school and make an appointment with a Counsellor to select courses. 

Registration Process for 2025-2026 Courses at Charles Spencer 

Beginning this week, school leaders, academic counsellors, and other teachers specializing in high school completion are meeting with all our current Grade 11, Grade 10, and Grade 9 students to help them choose the most appropriate classes for next school year. We will discuss graduation requirements, explain course selections, and answer questions directly from students regarding all their various choices.  

At this point in time, students are making course requests. Course requests can be changed all the way until Friday, April 11, 2025.  


How do students in Grades 11, 10, and 9 make course requests for 2025-2026?   

  • Staff will assist and advise students with their course requests during classroom visits on their scheduled dates using PowerSchool

  • Students and parents can also review and make edits to course selections using PowerSchool

  • DO NOT use the PowerSchool APP on your cellphone for course selection.  

  • Use a desktop or laptop computer and login to the PowerSchool website to select courses.  

  • PowerSchool will closed to course requests on Friday, April 11, 2025. 


How do students and parents get extra support for requesting courses?   

  • Students can book an appointment with an Academic Counsellor through Student Services. 

  • Ms. Aebly – Student Surnames: A to K. 

  • Ms. Baird – Student Surnames: L to Z. 


How do students choose 2025-2026 courses who are coming to CSHS from Grade 8?    

  • CSHS staff will be making a visit to all our feeder schools, including Isabel Campbell, Derek Taylor, Montrose, and Aspen Grove, and GP Christian between March 24 and March 28, 2025. 

  • Paper course request forms will be sent home with all students during our school visits. 

  • Students are required to return Grade 9 paper registration forms to their current school office ASAP (no later than Wednesday, April 30, 2025) 

  • Grade 9 paper forms can be returned directly to CSHS during our Open House (below). 

  • CSHS is hosting an Open House for current Grade 8 students on Wednesday, April 30 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.  


What happens if a student does not make course requests by Friday, April 11?    

  • We need all students to have course requests before we can start building a timetable for 2025-2026.  

  • If incoming students do not have course requests by Friday, April 11, we make a “placeholder” timetable based on the student’s current courses and record.  

  • Students can request a meeting with an academic counselor at the end of August 2025 to make adjustments to their timetables.  

If you have questions or require further support, please reach out to us. 

We look forward to working with our students and their families to ensure they request the best possible courses for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Charles Spencer Leadership Team

Other Information

Grad requirements
